
  1. Create a raster and fill with values
  2. Open a raster and fill with values
  3. Sum two rasters cell-by-cell
  4. Multiply raster by constant
  5. Apply a custom function on a four-cell moving window
  6. Calculate statistics for a circular moving window
  7. Calculate statistics for a square moving window
  8. Use the optional value type for nodata values
  9. Iterate over square windows centered on each cell
  10. Create a raster of random values based on a probability distribution
  11. Apply a function to a subsection of a raster



Opening and creating raster files

Copying values between rasters

Creating raster views for existing data

Creating views to work with nodata values

Creating raster views for moving window analysis

Creating data-less raster views

Type erasure

Raster algebra support

Displaying raster values
