

A model of RasterView that gives access to the data of a GDALRasterBand.

Example of use

See, for instance, the documentation of open of which the return type is a gdal_raster_view<T>.


<pronto/raster/gdal_raster_view.h> (open in Github)

Template parameters

|Parameter|Description|Default| |———-|——–|———| |T|The value type of the raster| - |

Model of

gdal_raster_view<T> is a model of RasterView, RecursivelySubbable. gdal_raster_view<T>::indicator is a model of RasterIterator, Mutable and RandomAccessible.

Type requirements

|Parameter|Requirements| |———-|——–| |T|This is not necessarily identical to the value type stored in the dataset. Upon reading a cell value from a dataset it is cast to T. Before writing a value T to the dataset it is cast to the value type of the dataset. Hence, T must be castable from and to the native value type of the GDALRasterBand|

Public base classes



gdal_raster_view has all default constructors, assignment operators and destructors using reference semantics (with reference semantics is meant that the copy of an object gives access to the same data as the original object; the actual data is not copied.)

The following member functions implement the RasterView concept.

int rows() const; 
int cols() const;
int size() const; 
gdal_raster_view::iterator begin(); 
gdal_raster_view::iterator end();
gdal_raster_view::const_iterator begin() const;
gdal_raster_view::const_iterator end() const;
gdal_raster_view sub_raster(int first_row
  , int first_col, int num_rows, int num_cols) const;

New Members

|Function|Effect| |———-|——–| | gdal_raster_view(std::shared_ptr<GDALRasterBand> band)| Construct a gdal_raster_view for band, with shared ownership ofband| | gdal_raster_view(GDALRasterBand* band) | Construct a gdal_raster_view for band. It is the responsibility of the caller to make sure that lifetime of band exceeds that of the gdal_raster_view. It is the responsibility of the caller to delete band| | std::shared_ptr<GDALRasterBand> get_band() const |Access the GDALRasterBand| | CPLErr get_geo_transform(double* padfTransform) const |Get the geo_transform. This is similar to GDALDataSet::GetGeotransform. The main difference is that for gdal_raster_view that refer a subset of the GDALRasterband the geotransform for the subset is returned. A minor difference is that for dataset with a missing geotransform the default of ArcGIS is used, rather than the default of GDAL. CPLErr is defined by GDAL. |


See also the documentation of GDALRasterBand.