The GDAL libary uses GDALDataType to indicate the value type of a dataset. The following types are supported by GDAL:

enum  	GDALDataType {
  GDT_Unknown = 0, GDT_Byte = 1, GDT_UInt16 = 2, GDT_Int16 = 3,
  GDT_UInt32 = 4, GDT_Int32 = 5, GDT_Float32 = 6, GDT_Float64 = 7,
  GDT_CInt16 = 8, GDT_CInt32 = 9, GDT_CFloat32 = 10, GDT_CFloat64 = 11,
  GDT_TypeCount = 12

Of these, only the following are supported by the Pronto Raster library:

  • GDT_Byte (associated with std::uint8_t)
  • GDT_UInt16 (associated with std::uint16_t)
  • GDT_Int16 (associated with std::int16_t)
  • GDT_UInt32 (associated with std::uint32_t)
  • GDT_Int32 (associated with std::int32_t)
  • GDT_Float32 (associated with float)
  • GDT_Float64 (associated with double)

The data types that are not supported (yet) are associated with complex numbers.