
template<class Distribution, class Generator = std::mt19937_64
      , int BlockRows = 512, int BlockCols = 512>
    cached_random_blocks<Distribution, Generator, BlockRows, BlockCols>
      random_distribution_raster(int rows, int cols
        , Distribution dist
        , Generator gen = Generator(std::random_device()));


Create a raster of random distributed values using a specific random number generator (by default std::mt19937_64), and using buffered values (by default in blocks of 512 rows by 512 columns). The return type is a model of RasterView.


<pronto/raster/random_distribution_raster.h> (open in Github)

Requirements on types

Distribution must be a model of RandomNumberDistribution Generator must be a model of UniformRandomBitGenerator


rows and cols must be positive.


The raster of random values makes use of a buffer of blockwise precomputed random values. In the construction a random seed is calculated for each block and hence the complexity is O(n) where n is the number of blocks (and hence logically it is also O(m) where m is the number of cells). However there are many fewer blocks than cells (by default by a factor of 512 x 512 = 262144), so in many situations this cost of construction can be neglected.

Example of use


#include <pronto/raster/plot_raster.h>
#include <pronto/raster/random_raster_view.h>

#include <random> // for distributions and generators

namespace pr = pronto::raster;

int main()
  // Choose a distribution to use, here the fair dice distribution
  auto dist = std::uniform_int_distribution<short>(1, 6);
  // Choose a generator to use, and instantiate the generator with a seed
  auto gen = std::mt19937( std::random_device{}() );

  // The dimensions of the random raster
  auto rows = 16;
  auto cols = 8;

  // Create the random raster
  auto rr = pr::random_distribution_raster(rows, cols, dist, gen);

  // Plot all values in the raster

  // Or, plot only values of a subset of the raster.

  return 0;

Output: (the exact output will vary due to the use of the random_device)

Rows: 16, Cols: 8, Value type: short
4       5       2       4       6       1       4       3
1       6       3       5       4       6       5       1
6       1       1       6       2       6       5       1
2       2       4       5       3       6       6       4
2       5       6       6       6       4       4       4
6       3       1       2       6       4       5       3
2       4       4       3       2       6       3       1
1       6       6       5       2       5       6       2
3       2       4       2       2       6       5       3
2       6       6       5       2       2       4       6
1       2       5       5       6       5       3       4
6       2       1       4       5       3       4       3
1       2       4       3       5       3       2       3
6       5       3       6       5       3       6       4
4       3       1       6       6       4       6       6
5       5       4       3       3       2       1       3

Rows: 4, Cols: 4, Value type: short
6       3       5       4
1       1       6       2
2       4       5       3
5       6       6       6


The random values raster view uses a blockwise buffer and a limited number of blocks is kept in memory using a last-used-first-out mechanism. Each block has a fixed random seed, so upon reloading the same numbers are regenerated.

See also