
The ProxyReference concept is used for the reference type of iterators that cannot return a value_type&. The ProxyReference for a value_type behaves in several ways just like value_type&.

Refinement of

CopyAssignable, Destructible

Associated types

ProxyReference objects are used as the type of dereferenced InputIterator and OutputIterators, the valid expressions of the ProxyReference depend on the mutability of the Iterator.


I is the associated Iterator type it is and object of I pr is a ProxyReference object. v is an object of std::iterator_traits<I>::value_type. w can be any type. os and is are standard input and output streams.


Valid expressions

For all InputIterators:

auto pr = *it;
value_type v = pr;
auto v = static_cast<value_type>(pr);
os << pr;

For Mutable iterators only:

pr = v; 
pr -= w; 
pr += w;
pr *= w;
pr /= w;
pr %= w;
pr &= w;
pr |= w;
pr >>= w;
pr <<= w;
pr >> is;

Expression Semantics

|Expression|Semantic| |———-|——–| |v = pr| Equivalent to v = static_cast<value_type>(pr)| |auto v = static_cast<value_type>(pr)| v will hold the value referred to by pr| |os << pr|Equivalent to os << static_cast<value_type>(pr)| |pr = v|Assigning the value of v to the subject of the ProxyReference| |pr++| Equivalent to pr = static_cast<value_type>(pr) + 1| |pr--| Equivalent to pr = static_cast<value_type>(pr) - 1| |++pr| Equivalent to {auto temp = pr; pr = static_cast<value_type>(pr) + 1}| |--pr| Equivalent to {auto temp = pr; pr = static_cast<value_type>(pr) - 1}| |pr -= w|Equivalent to pr = static_cast<value_type>(pr) - w| |pr += w|Equivalent to pr = static_cast<value_type>(pr) + w| |pr *= w|Equivalent to pr = static_cast<value_type>(pr)* w| |pr /= w|Equivalent to pr = static_cast<value_type>(pr) / w| |pr %= w|Equivalent to pr = static_cast<value_type>(pr) % w| |pr &= w|Equivalent to pr = static_cast<value_type>(pr) & w| |pr != w|Equivalent to pr = !static_cast<value_type>(pr)| |pr >>= w|Equivalent to pr = static_cast<value_type>(pr) >> w| |pr <<= w|Equivalent to pr = static_cast<value_type>(pr) << w| |pr >> is|Equivalent to static_cast<value_type>(pr) >> is|

Complexity guarantees

Not applicable


Not applicable


ProxyReferences are implemented as the reference type of most iterators in the Pronto Raster library. The actual class used is considered an implementation detail.


One limitation is that the ProxyReference is not required to be castable to a plain reference. Hence, the following will not compile:

#include <pronto/raster/io.h>
#include <iostream>

auto ras = pronto::raster::open<int>("demo.tif");
for(int& i : raster) // will not compile as the reference type of raster is not int& 
  std::cout << i * 2 << std::endl; 

even though the following will:

#include <pronto/raster/io.h>
#include <iostream>

auto ras = pronto::raster::open<int>("demo.tif");
for(auto&& i : raster) // i will be a a ProxyReference
  std::cout << i * 2 << std::endl; // i will be cast to int.

A second limitation becomes apparent when the context does not make clear that the ProxyReference must be cast to the value_type:

#include <pronto/raster/io.h>

template<class T>
T square(const T& value){ return value * value };

int main()
  auto ras = pronto::raster::open<int>("demo.tif");
  for(auto&& i : ras) 
    // i = square(i);   // would not compile as the template 
                        // argument T would resolve to the
                        // reference type and not the value type.

    i = square(static_cast<int>(i)); // does compile 
  return 0;

See also

Not applicable