The Pronto Raster library is a C++ library that depends on C++20 language features and STL and the GDAL library.

See the websites of GDAL for guidance on installing that library. If you are using Microsoft Visual Studio it can be useful to use vcpkg.

In order to invoke the tests, there is a further dependency on Google Test.

In order to run the benchmarks, there is a further dependency on Google Benchmark. Some of the benchmarks require Python and the Python numpy library, This is just for counter-benchmarks, i.e. to compare against other solutions than Pronto Raster.

Some functions in the library require the compilation of a large number of functions. In particular this is for functions on the any_blind_raster class, that are compiled for all (combinations of) supported datatypes. In Visual Studio the large number of functions requires the /bigobj setting.

New developments are tested on a recent version of Visual Studio only.