The following example is a simple case of creating a raster of 10 rows by 5 columns and filling it with random values between 1 and 6.

// example_1.cpp
#include <pronto/raster/io.h>
#include <pronto/raster/plot_raster.h>

#include <random>

namespace pr = pronto::raster;

int main()
  auto rng = std::default_random_engine{};
  auto dice = std::uniform_int_distribution<int>{ 1, 6 };

  auto raster = pr::create<int>("demo.tif", 10, 5);
  for (auto&& v : raster) {
    v = dice(rng);
  return 0;

Output (will vary due to random number generator):

Rows: 10, Cols: 5, Value type: int
3       1       3       6       5
2       6       6       1       2
2       6       1       1       6
1       4       5       2       5
6       2       6       2       1
3       5       4       5       6
1       4       2       3       1
2       2       6       2       1
1       1       6       1       6
1       4       5       2       3