
 template<class F>
    optional_filtered_function<F> optionalize_function(F f)


Takes a Callable f, and return another Callable that applies the same function, but treats optional input arguments differently. If any of the arguments are optional and uninitialized then the optional_filtered_function returns an uninitialized optional. Otherwise, the function return an initialized optional value derived from applying the Callable f on all the input arguments, whereby optional values are resolved to the underlying value. The function is included in the library in particular to be used in combination with the transformand raster_algebra_transform functions.



Requirements on types

F must be a Callable.




Example of use


#include <pronto/raster/io.h>
#include <pronto/raster/nodata_transform.h>
#include <pronto/raster/optional.h>
#include <pronto/raster/plot_raster.h>
#include <pronto/raster/transform_raster_view.h>

namespace pr = pronto::raster;

int square(const int& v)
  return v * v;

int main()
  auto in = pr::create_temp<int>(5, 4);
  int i = 0;
  for (auto&& v : in) {
    v = i;
    i = (i + 3) % 7;

  // Treat value of 6 as nodata
  auto nodata_in = pr::nodata_to_optional(in, 6);

  // Transform using square, skip over nodata values.
  auto nodata_in_sq = pr::transform(pr::optionalize_function(square), nodata_in);


  return 0;


Rows: 5, Cols: 4, Value type: int
0       3       6       2
5       1       4       0
3       6       2       5
1       4       0       3
6       2       5       1

Rows: 5, Cols: 4, Value type: class std::optional<int>
0       3       -       2
5       1       4       0
3       -       2       5
1       4       0       3
-       2       5       1

Rows: 5, Cols: 4, Value type: class std::optional<int>
0       9       -       4
25      1       16      0
9       -       4       25
1       16      0       9
-       4       25      1


See also

nodata_to_optional, optional_to_nodata, transform